Tara Reid and Michael Lillelund Married In Greece

Tara Reid and Michael Lillelund In Greece
Tara Reid and Michael Lillelund Married In Greece. Quite the weekend for weddings.
After Brooke Burke and David Charvet fabricated it official and two co-hosts on The View did the same, Tara Reid has abutting the chic of newlyweds.
The American Pie brilliant affiliated Michael Lillelund, a Danish businessman, in Greece Saturday, E! confirms. In added annual ... they were engaged?
The 35-year-old Reid absitively to breach the annual herself via her Twitter account, writing, "Just got affiliated in greece I adulation actuality a wife."
That aforementioned night, Reid additionally bankrupt the annual that she was engaged. "I got engaged!!" Tara tweeted, followed up by, "Greece married!"
Hey, sometimes back you know, you know, right? The brace met in Saint-Tropez in November. Congratulations to Tara and Michael!
Tara Reid had one quick engagement!
Just hours afterwards advertisement she was affianced on Twitter, the extra appear that she got married.
“Just got affiliated in greece I adulation actuality a wife,” the “American Pie” extra wrote over the weekend.
According to People, the 35-year-old wed Danish agent Michael Lilleund in Greece on Saturday.
Hours afore her bells advertisement Tweet she additionally wrote, “I aloof got engaged!”
According to the mag, Tara met her benedict in November in Saint-Tropez.
She was ahead affianced to Internet mogul Michael Axtmann, but the brace breach in 2010.

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